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Made in the Likeness of God

Scripture Reading

Genesis 1:26

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”


What does being made in the likeness of God reveal about us and reveal about God and why does it matter? Being made in the likeness of God firstly helps us understand who we are, our purpose and what kind of God we serve. Just like how a child gets clarification on who s/he is by observing and knowing their parent, so do we by understanding our Creator. So, first let’s explore a few things we know about God.

10 Things We Know About God

1. He created: he’s a complex thinker and creative

2. He lives in community with himself and with his heavenly creations: relationships and community are important to him

3. His love knows no bounds: he sacrificed himself for mankind

4. He knows everything: his thoughts are best

5. He is all-powerful: cannot be defeated

6. He has dominion over heaven and earth: everything belongs to God

7. He forgives: he understands man will mistakes and chooses to both forgive and forget them

8. He is just: he is righteous and expects us to live our lives in accordance with his will

9. He is everywhere: he always knows and sees what’s going on

10. He has emotions: he has feelings of happiness, sadness, jealousy, anger, etc.

This is by no means a comprehensive list or in any particular order. It’s just designed to help you begin to draw the picture in your mind of who God is. I would encourage you to dwell on this list for a few minutes before continuing to read because I believe God wants to reveal something to you in this moment.

Now, let’s consider what it means to be made in his likeness. It means that we bear similarity to our creator in a unique and special way unlike his other creations (i.e. animals, angels). We, as humans, have not only the capability to think deeply, but also to be extraordinarily creative. We have designed many great things and survived and thrived better than just about any other creature on the Earth. We have understood for generations upon generations, the importance of community. Although, that may be de-emphasized in today’s society, we all rely on each other in one way or another and we certainly are dependent on God.

We also were given a unique power of free will and the position of steward to the Earth. In other words, we were given the ability to choose between doing right and wrong and we are responsible for all things on Earth. Just like God has responsibility for all of universe and what is within it, we too have a responsibility and the free will to do what is right by our fellow humans as well as the Earth and animals. We are also self-aware, understand that no one is perfect and people will make mistakes, and we are certainly are all aware of emotions. This leads into why we understand the need for forgiveness and the importance of God's forgiveness.

Of course, we’re not all-knowing, all-powerful, or omnipresent, but there is still knowledge to be gleaned by this. For example, we may not be all-knowing or all-powerful, but God can give us wisdom and power through the Holy Spirit. We can’t be in more than one place at a time, but thankfully we don’t have a need to be. Additionally, as long as we stay aligned with God we will never fail.

Last but certainly not least is that we need to understand that our identify isn’t found within ourselves, but within God. We are his creations, created in his likeness unlike all others, given specific privileges unlike all others, and given stewardship over the entire earth. We were destined for greatness by remaining close to and connected to God, serving him in all we do, and making the conscious decision to do what is right for his glory. Let us never forget that, especially in times of self-doubt. Let’s pray.


Father God, thank you the reminder that you took your time in creating man and woman. You created us with great intention, giving us great responsibility, but also the ability to make both wise and unwise decisions. Let me never forget that my identity is in you and I am a child of a God. I pray that each day I will grow more and more in your likeness and you will strengthen me where I am weak and grow me where I am strong. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Anna Quince
Anna Quince

Love the attributes of God!

Psalm 139:14,17-18

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 If I would count them, they are more than sand.

1 Corinthian 2:16

“For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.


I’m so glad you’re enjoying the devotional and I always look forward to your reference scriptures 😁


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